
About myself

Undergraduate (Third Year), Computer Science and Engineering,National Institute of Technology, Raipur.I am a tech enthusiast.I am an avid learner who is enthusiastic about learning something new each and every day. On the whole, I love to code and am an enthusiastic coder.I am skilled in C, C++, HTML, CSS, JS and React (JS Library). I am also a competitive programmer. Looking forward to explore Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence in near future! I am also looking for some participation in Hackathon. I am also a certified digital marketer. When I am not coding, I love reading tech-news, writing answers in some platforms,E-Sports & Sports, listening to songs or simply sitting in some random thoughts.

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My Projects

COVID-19 Tracker

This Project is built using React(Hooks, API, Fetch-API etc). Some key Aspects are Shows Live Cases, Recoveries, Deaths (clickable tabs), Shows Worldwide cases and Country Based cases Line Chart, shows fluctuations over days, hover around to see exact figures Clickable Markers on Map show Country stats.
Platform-Web Version-v1.1beta Editor-VS_Code Language-JavaScript

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Netflix Clone

Created a netflix clone using React JS and deployed it using the google firebase used API, AXIOS, Components requesting API data, useEffect, Async Functions, Rendering and stuffs.
Platform-Web Version-v1.0beta Editor-VS_Code Language-JavaScript

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